Wednesday 30 September 2015

Handmade Card for Twins' Baby Shower

Hello all,

I'm truly sorry for not posting more frequently, I've been so busy with everything! I will soon be launching my Event Planning business called ArtySam Events so I'll keep you updated with how that is going.

In the meantime, here is a card I made for a Baby Shower I attended, made doubly difficult due to the mix of the sexes, but I think this gatefold card does it justice!

Sunday 26 October 2014

More Cards & Christmas too!

Hello all,

I've been making a lot of cards recently and would like to share a couple of them with you all!

Here is a card I made for my sister-in-law as she is 30 this week, somehow makes me feel so old!

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And I've finally started my Christmas cards, which is just as well since I've had loads of orders from my lovely work colleagues so am going to be really busy over the next month or so! 

Here's my first attempt - it's from the Snowman and the Snowdog luxury cards kit.  I picked this up really cheaply since it was out last year so old stock from Crafters Companion UK.

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I hope you enjoy this, and I hope to share a lot more with you really soon!

Happy Crafting! xx

Saturday 30 August 2014

Bespoke Cards

Hello all,

I had a break when I got my new job and decided what to do with my card making business, well I've decided to make it a little more official and promote it at work more.

I've set up a Twitter profile @ArtySam so feel free to look me up.  I'll post pictures of my cards and stitching and details of orders and bookings too.

Here is my latest bespoke order of a Christening card for twin boys:

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This was A5 and I charged her £4 for the card & envelope, she was very pleased with it and i just hope the parents are too!

I'll be starting my Christmas cards so so watch this space!

Happy Crafting!

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Arty Sam is coming...

Hi all,

Decided to take the plunge and start selling my crafty items online.

Further details to follow so please bear with me!

Sam xx